Purchase Order Work (POP10100)

Easily find this page again using the shortlink: https://gpt.azrcrv.co.uk/POP10100

Product: Microsoft Dynamics GP (0)
Series: Purchasing

Display Name: Purchase Order Work
Physical Name: POP10100
Technical Name: POP_PO

Group Display Name: Purchasing Transactions
Group Technical Name: Purchasing Transactions

Seq NoPhysical NameDisplay NameDexterity Data TypeSQL Data TypeLength
1PONUMBER SearchPO NumberStringSTR17_POP_Number17
2POSTATUS SearchPO StatusIntegerDDL_PO_Status0
Status assigned to the Purchase Order.

Click to show/hide PO Statuses

1	New
2	Released (i.e. emailed/printed)
3	Change Order
4	Received
5	Closed
6	Cancelled
3STATGRP SearchStatus GroupIntegerINT11
Assigned when the status of the purchase order changes and is used to group Purchase Orders by status types to enable ranging on active (New, Open or Modified) or closed (Canceled or Closed ) purchase orders.

Click to show/hide PO Statuses

1	Active
2	Closed
4POTYPE SearchPO TypeIntegerDDL_POP_PO_Type0
Type of Purchase Order.

Click to show/hide PO Types

1	Standard
2	Drop Ship
3	Blanket
4	Blanket Drop Ship
5USER2ENT SearchUser To EnterStringSTR15_User_ID15
Key to the Users Master (SY01400).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].USER2ENT AS 'Purchase Order Work-User To Enter'
       ,['Users Master'].USERID AS 'Users Master-User ID'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       DYNAMICS..SY01400 AS ['Users Master']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].USER2ENT = ['Users Master'].USERID
6CONFIRM1 SearchConfirm WithStringSTR2020
Name or Initials of the person in company with whom the order should be authorized or approved.
7DOCDATE SearchDocument DateDateDT8
8LSTEDTDT SearchLast Edit DateDateDT_Date6
Date the Purchase Order was last modified. This date is not updated when the PO is being printed, even if printing changes the status. It also is not updated when a PO with a New status is received against and the status is changed to Open.
9LSTPRTDT SearchLast Printed DateDateDATE_L0
10PRMDATE SearchPromised DateDateDATE_L0
11PRMSHPDTE SearchPromised Ship DateDateDATE_L0
12REQDATE SearchRequired DateDateDATE_L0
13REQTNDT SearchRequisition DateDateDATE_L0
14SHIPMTHD SearchShipping MethodStringSTR15_Shipping_Method15
Key to the Shipping Methods Master (SY03000).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].SHIPMTHD AS 'Purchase Order Work-Shipping Method'
       ,['Shipping Methods Master'].SHIPMTHD AS 'Shipping Methods Master-Shipping Method'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       SY03000 AS ['Shipping Methods Master']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].SHIPMTHD = ['Shipping Methods Master'].SHIPMTHD
15TXRGNNUM SearchTax Registration NumberStringSTR2525
16REMSUBTO SearchRemaining SubtotalCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
17SUBTOTAL SearchSubtotalCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_STR$17
18TRDISAMT SearchTrade Discount AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
19FRTAMNT SearchFreight AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
20MSCCHAMT SearchMisc Charges AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
21TAXAMNT SearchTax AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
22VENDORID SearchVendor IDStringSTR_15_Vendor_ID15
Key to the PM Vendor Master File (PM00200).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].VENDORID AS 'Purchase Order Work-Vendor ID'
       ,['PM Vendor Master File'].VENDORID AS 'PM Vendor Master File-Vendor ID'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       PM00200 AS ['PM Vendor Master File']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].VENDORID = ['PM Vendor Master File'].VENDORID
23VENDNAME SearchVendor NameStringSTR64_Vendor_Name64
24MINORDER SearchMinimum OrderCurrencyDLR17_$U217
25VADCDPAD SearchVendor Address Code - Purchase AddressStringSTR15_Address_Code15
Partial key to the PM Address MSTR (PM00300).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].VADCDPAD AS 'Purchase Order Work-Vendor Address Code - Purchase Address'
       ,['PM Address MSTR'].ADRSCODE AS 'PM Address MSTR-Address Code'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       PM00300 AS ['PM Address MSTR']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].VADCDPAD = ['PM Address MSTR'].ADRSCODE
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].VENDORID = ['PM Address MSTR'].VENDORID
26CMPANYID SearchCompany IDIntegerINT54
Key to the Company Master (SY01500).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].CMPANYID AS 'Purchase Order Work-Company ID'
       ,['Company Master'].CMPANYID AS 'Company Master-Company ID'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       DYNAMICS..SY01500 AS ['Company Master']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].CMPANYID = ['Company Master'].CMPANYID
27PRBTADCD SearchPrimary Billto Address CodeStringSTR15_LBAU15
28PRSTADCD SearchPrimary Shipto Address CodeStringSTR15_LBAU15
29CMPNYNAM SearchCompany NameStringSTR64_Company_Name64
30CONTACT SearchContactStringSTR6060
31ADDRESS1 SearchAddress 1StringSTR6060
32ADDRESS2 SearchAddress 2StringSTR6060
33ADDRESS3 SearchAddress 3StringSTR6060
34CITY SearchCityStringSTR3535
35STATE SearchStateStringSTR30_State29
36ZIPCODE SearchZip CodeStringSTR1010
37CCode SearchCountry CodeStringSTR6_VAT6
Key to the VAT Country Code MSTR (VAT10001).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].CCode AS 'Purchase Order Work-Country Code'
       ,['VAT Country Code MSTR'].CCode AS 'VAT Country Code MSTR-Country Code'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       VAT10001 AS ['VAT Country Code MSTR']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].CCode = ['VAT Country Code MSTR'].CCode
38COUNTRY SearchCountryStringSTR6060
39PHONE1 SearchPhone 1StringPhone_Number14
40PHONE2 SearchPhone 2StringPhone_Number14
41PHONE3 SearchPhone 3StringPhone_Number314
42FAX SearchFaxStringSTR14_FAX14
43PYMTRMID SearchPayment Terms IDStringSTR20_Payment_Terms_ID20
Key to the Payment Terms Master (SY03300).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].PYMTRMID AS 'Purchase Order Work-Payment Terms ID'
       ,['Payment Terms Master'].PYMTRMID AS 'Payment Terms Master-Payment Terms ID'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       SY03300 AS ['Payment Terms Master']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].PYMTRMID = ['Payment Terms Master'].PYMTRMID
44DSCDLRAM SearchDiscount Dollar AmountCurrencyDLR11_RBS0_UTR$11
45DSCPCTAM SearchDiscount Percent AmountIntegerINT5_%25
46DISAMTAV SearchDiscount Amount AvailableCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
47DISCDATE SearchDiscount DateDateDT8
48DUEDATE SearchDue DateDateDT8
49TRDPCTPR SearchTrade Discount Percent (Precise)Currency (Variable)Trade Discount Percent (Precise)23
50CUSTNMBR SearchCustomer NumberStringSTR15_RM_Customer_Number15
Key to the RM Customer MSTR (RM00101).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].CUSTNMBR AS 'Purchase Order Work-Customer Number'
       ,['RM Customer MSTR'].CUSTNMBR AS 'RM Customer MSTR-Customer Number'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       RM00101 AS ['RM Customer MSTR']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].CUSTNMBR = ['RM Customer MSTR'].CUSTNMBR
51TIMESPRT SearchTimes PrintedIntegerINT4_U04
52CREATDDT SearchCreated DateDateDT8
53MODIFDT SearchModified DateDateDT8
54PONOTIDS SearchPO Note ID ArrayDLR14Currency14
55PONOTIDS_1 SearchPO Note ID Array[1]CurrencyDLR1414
56PONOTIDS_2 SearchPO Note ID Array[2]CurrencyDLR1414
57PONOTIDS_3 SearchPO Note ID Array[3]CurrencyDLR1414
58PONOTIDS_4 SearchPO Note ID Array[4]CurrencyDLR1414
59PONOTIDS_5 SearchPO Note ID Array[5]CurrencyDLR1414
60PONOTIDS_6 SearchPO Note ID Array[6]CurrencyDLR1414
61PONOTIDS_7 SearchPO Note ID Array[7]CurrencyDLR1414
62PONOTIDS_8 SearchPO Note ID Array[8]CurrencyDLR1414
63PONOTIDS_9 SearchPO Note ID Array[9]CurrencyDLR1414
64PONOTIDS_10 SearchPO Note ID Array[10]CurrencyDLR1414
65PONOTIDS_11 SearchPO Note ID Array[11]CurrencyDLR1414
66PONOTIDS_12 SearchPO Note ID Array[12]CurrencyDLR1414
67PONOTIDS_13 SearchPO Note ID Array[13]CurrencyDLR1414
68PONOTIDS_14 SearchPO Note ID Array[14]CurrencyDLR1414
69PONOTIDS_15 SearchPO Note ID Array[15]CurrencyDLR1414
70COMMNTID SearchComment IDStringSTR15_Comment_ID15
Key to the Comment Master (SY04200).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].COMMNTID AS 'Purchase Order Work-Comment ID'
       ,['Comment Master'].COMMNTID AS 'Comment Master-Comment ID'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       SY04200 AS ['Comment Master']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].COMMNTID = ['Comment Master'].COMMNTID
71CANCSUB SearchCanceled SubtotalCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_STR$17
72CURNCYID SearchCurrency IDStringSTR15_Currency_ID15
Key to the Currency Setup (MC40200).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].CURNCYID AS 'Purchase Order Work-Currency ID'
       ,['Currency Setup'].CURNCYID AS 'Currency Setup-Currency ID'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       DYNAMICS..MC40200 AS ['Currency Setup']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].CURNCYID = ['Currency Setup'].CURNCYID
73CURRNIDX SearchCurrency IndexIntegerINT33
Key to the Currency Setup (MC40200).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].CURRNIDX AS 'Purchase Order Work-Currency Index'
       ,['Currency Setup'].CURRNIDX AS 'Currency Setup-Currency Index'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       DYNAMICS..MC40200 AS ['Currency Setup']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].CURRNIDX = ['Currency Setup'].CURRNIDX
74RATETPID SearchRate Type IDStringSTR15_Rate_Type_ID15
Key to the Multicurrency Rate Type Setup (MC40100).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].RATETPID AS 'Purchase Order Work-Rate Type ID'
       ,['Multicurrency Rate Type Setup'].RATETPID AS 'Multicurrency Rate Type Setup-Rate Type ID'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       MC40100 AS ['Multicurrency Rate Type Setup']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].RATETPID = ['Multicurrency Rate Type Setup'].RATETPID
75EXGTBLID SearchExchange Table IDStringSTR15_Exchange_Table_ID15
Key to the Multicurrency Exchange Rate Maintenance (MC00100).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].EXGTBLID AS 'Purchase Order Work-Exchange Table ID'
       ,['Multicurrency Exchange Rate Maintenance'].EXGTBLID AS 'Multicurrency Exchange Rate Maintenance-Exchange Table ID'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       DYNAMICS..MC00100 AS ['Multicurrency Exchange Rate Maintenance']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].EXGTBLID = ['Multicurrency Exchange Rate Maintenance'].EXGTBLID
76XCHGRATE SearchExchange RateCurrency (Variable)DLR14_Exchange_Rate14
77EXCHDATE SearchExchange DateDateDT_Date6
78TIME1 SearchTimeTimeTM66
79RATECALC SearchRate Calc MethodIntegerINT0
Rate Calc Method of the transaction. For non multi-currency transactions, this field will be blank.

Click to show/hide Rate Calc Methods

0	Multiply
1	Divide
80DENXRATE SearchDenomination Exchange RateCurrency (Variable)DLR14_Exchange_Rate14
81MCTRXSTT SearchMC Transaction StateIntegerINT11
MC Transaction State of the transaction. State the transaction was created in. For non multi-currency transactions, this field will be blank.

Click to show/hide MC Transaction States

0	Euro currency is not created or no denomination currencies are enabled.
		1	Originating is not a denomination; Functional is not a denomination
		2	Originating is not a denomination; Functional is the Euro currency.
		3	Originating is not a denomination; Functional is a denomination.
		4	Originating is a denomination; Functional is not a denomination.
		5	Originating is a denomination; Functional is a denomination.
		6	Originating is a denomination; Functional is the Euro currency.
		7	Originating is the Euro currency; Functional is a denomination.
		8	Originating is the Euro currency; Functional is not a denomination.
82OREMSUBT SearchOriginating Remaining SubtotalCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
83ORSUBTOT SearchOriginating SubtotalCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_STR$17
84Originating_Canceled_Sub SearchOriginating Canceled SubtotalCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_STR$17
85ORTDISAM SearchOriginating Trade Discount AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
86ORFRTAMT SearchOriginating Freight AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
87OMISCAMT SearchOriginating Misc Charges AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
88ORTAXAMT SearchOriginating Tax AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
89ORDDLRAT SearchOriginating Discount Dollar AmountCurrencyDLR11_RBS0_UTR$11
90ODISAMTAV SearchOriginating Discount Amount AvailableCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
91BUYERID SearchBuyer IDStringSTR15_User_ID15
Key to the Buyer Master (POP00101).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].BUYERID AS 'Purchase Order Work-Buyer ID'
       ,['Buyer Master'].BUYERID AS 'Buyer Master-Buyer ID'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       POP00101 AS ['Buyer Master']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].BUYERID = ['Buyer Master'].BUYERID
92ONORDAMT SearchOn Order AmountCurrencyDLR19_RBS0_UTR$19
93ORORDAMT SearchOriginating On Order AmountCurrencyDLR19_RBS0_UTR$19
94HOLD SearchHoldBooleanCB_Hold0
95ONHOLDDATE SearchOn Hold DateDateDT8
96ONHOLDBY SearchOn Hold ByStringSTR15_User_ID15
97HOLDREMOVEDATE SearchHold Remove DateDateDT8
98HOLDREMOVEBY SearchHold Remove ByStringSTR15_User_ID15
99ALLOWSOCMTS SearchAllow SO CommitmentsBooleanCB_AllowSOCommitments0
100DISGRPER SearchDiscount Grace PeriodIntegerINT2_U02
101DUEGRPER SearchDue Date Grace PeriodIntegerINT2_U02
102Revision_Number SearchRevision NumberIntegerINT44
103Change_Order_Flag SearchChange Order FlagIntegerINT0
104PO_Field_Changes SearchPO Field ChangesLong IntegerML_POP_PO_Field_Changes0
105PO_Status_Orig SearchPO Status OrigIntegerDDL_PO_Status0
Status assigned to the Purchase Order.

Click to show/hide PO Statuses

1	New
2	Released (i.e. emailed/printed)
3	Change Order
4	Received
5	Closed
6	Cancelled
106TAXSCHID SearchTax Schedule IDStringSTR15_Tax_Schedule_ID15
Key to the Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master (TX00101).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].TAXSCHID AS 'Purchase Order Work-Tax Schedule ID'
       ,['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID AS 'Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master-Tax Schedule ID'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       TX00101 AS ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].TAXSCHID = ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID
107TXSCHSRC SearchTax Schedule SourceIntegerINT11
108TXENGCLD SearchTax Engine CalledBooleanYN0
109BSIVCTTL SearchBased On Invoice TotalBooleanYN0
110Purchase_Freight_Taxable SearchPurchase Freight TaxableIntegerDDL_Purchase_Tax_Options0
111Purchase_Misc_Taxable SearchPurchase Misc TaxableIntegerDDL_Purchase_Tax_Options0
112FRTSCHID SearchFreight Schedule IDStringSTR15_LBAU15
Key to the Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master (TX00101).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].FRTSCHID AS 'Purchase Order Work-Freight Schedule ID'
       ,['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID AS 'Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master-Tax Schedule ID'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       TX00101 AS ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].FRTSCHID = ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID
113MSCSCHID SearchMisc Schedule IDStringSTR15_LBAU15
Key to the Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master (TX00101).

Click to show/hide

       ['Purchase Order Work'].MSCSCHID AS 'Purchase Order Work-Misc Schedule ID'
       ,['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID AS 'Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master-Tax Schedule ID'
       POP10100 AS ['Purchase Order Work']
       TX00101 AS ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master']
                     ['Purchase Order Work'].MSCSCHID = ['Sales/Purchases Tax Schedule Header Master'].TAXSCHID
114FRTTXAMT SearchFreight Tax AmountCurrencyDLR19_RBSO_UTR$19
115ORFRTTAX SearchOriginating Freight Tax AmountCurrencyDLR19_RBSO_UTR$19
116MSCTXAMT SearchMisc Tax AmountCurrencyDLR19_RBSO_UTR$19
117ORMSCTAX SearchOriginating Misc Tax AmountCurrencyDLR19_RBSO_UTR$19
118BCKTXAMT SearchBackout Tax AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
119OBTAXAMT SearchOriginating Backout Tax AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
120BackoutFreightTaxAmt SearchBackout Freight Tax AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
121OrigBackoutFreightTaxAmt SearchOriginating Backout Freight Tax AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
122BackoutMiscTaxAmt SearchBackout Misc Tax AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
123OrigBackoutMiscTaxAmt SearchOriginating Backout Misc Tax AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
124Flags SearchFlagsIntegerINT11
125BackoutTradeDiscTax SearchBackout Trade Discount Tax AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
126OrigBackoutTradeDiscTax SearchOriginating Backout Trade Discount Tax AmountCurrencyDLR17_RBS0_UTR$17
127POPCONTNUM SearchPOP Contract NumberStringSTR2020
128CONTENDDTE SearchContract End DateDateDATE_L0
129CNTRLBLKTBY SearchControl Blanket ByIntegerINT0
130PURCHCMPNYNAM SearchPurchase Company NameStringSTR64_Company_Name64
131PURCHCONTACT SearchPurchase ContactStringSTR6060
132PURCHADDRESS1 SearchPurchase Address 1StringSTR6060
133PURCHADDRESS2 SearchPurchase Address 2StringSTR6060
134PURCHADDRESS3 SearchPurchase Address 3StringSTR6060
135PURCHCITY SearchPurchase CityStringSTR3535
136PURCHSTATE SearchPurchase StateStringSTR30_State29
137PURCHZIPCODE SearchPurchase Zip CodeStringSTR1010
138PURCHCCode SearchPurchase Country CodeStringSTR6_VAT6
139PURCHCOUNTRY SearchPurchase CountryStringSTR6060
140PURCHPHONE1 SearchPurchase Phone 1StringPhone_Number14
141PURCHPHONE2 SearchPurchase Phone 2StringPhone_Number14
142PURCHPHONE3 SearchPurchase Phone 3StringPhone_Number314
143PURCHFAX SearchPurchase FaxStringSTR14_FAX14
144BLNKTLINEEXTQTYSUM SearchTotal Blanket Line Ext QtyCurrencyDLR17_QTY_RBS0_UTR17
145CBVAT SearchCash Based VATBooleanCB_CashBasedVAT0
146Workflow_Approval_Status SearchWorkflow Approval StatusIntegerDDL_WorkflowApprovalStatus0
147Workflow_Priority SearchWorkflow PriorityIntegerDDL_WorkflowPriority0
148Workflow_Status SearchWorkflow StatusIntegerWorkflow Status0
149Print_Phone_NumberGB SearchPrint Phone Number GBIntegerGB0
150PrepaymentAmount SearchPrepayment AmountCurrencyDLR19_RBS0_UTR$19
151OriginatingPrepaymentAmt SearchOriginating Prepayment AmountCurrencyDLR19_RBS0_UTR$19

3 thoughts on “Purchase Order Work (POP10100)

  1. Mike says:


    Did something change with Dynamics GP tables? I can no longer find columns that belong to multiple GP tables. For example, if I search for table POP10100, there is a hyperlink for every column. In the past, if I clicked on the hyperlink for column PONUMBER, I would get a list of POP tables that had this column. Now, when I click on this hyperlink, I get a number of tables that I do not recognize.


    1. iangrieve says:

      I did an update recently which looks like it has had an odd side-effect.

      I’ll take a look into it and see what the issue is.

      Thanks for flagging this.

      1. iangrieve says:

        This should now be resolved with all table snow correctly being returned.

        Please let me know if you see any other issues.

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